Monday, February 24, 2014


Common names: European Vervain, Gogerchin Otu, Herb Of The Cross, Herb-of-the-cross, Holywort, Kuma-Tuzura, Ma Pien Ts'Ao, Minecicegi, Rejil Al Hamam, Texas Vervain, Verbena, Verbena Oficinal
Habitat: Waste ground and roadsides, avoiding acid soils and shady positions.

Gender: Feminine.

Planet: Venus.

Element: Earth.

Deities: Cerridwen, Mars, Venus, Aradia, Jupiter, Thor, Juno, Nut

Magickal Uses: The Witches Herb. Love,  Protection, Purification, Peace, Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep, Healing.

Edible Uses: Flowers; Leaves; Tea. Leaves - parboiled, seasoned and then eaten. The leaves can be used as a tea substitute. The flowers can be used as a garnish.

Medicinal Uses: Analgesic; Antibacterial; Anticoagulant; Antispasmodic; Antitumor; Astringent; Bach; Birthing aid; Depurative; Diaphoretic; Diuretic; Emmenagogue; Galactogogue; Stimulant; Tonic; Vulnerary.

Empowers any magick, especially love spells. Enhances the dreaming process and is recommended for dream quests. Used to consecrate and empower any ritual tools. Protects from negative emotions and depression. Used in house and home blessings. Turns back negativity. In love spells: add to recipes to attract mates, find true love, achieve sexual fulfilment, work sexual magick, and for bringing extra bliss on the wedding night. 

The herb of poets, singers, and bards. Inspires artistry. Instills a love of learning. Best when gathered at Midsummer.
This Old World native was a favorite of the Druids, who gathered vervain when the Dog Star, Sirius, was on the rise, in the dark of the Moon. The Druids utilized vervain in divination, consecration, and ritual cleansing of sacred spaces. They made a magical drink called the Cauldron of Cerridwen (a shapeshifter) that some say included rowan berries, sea water, lesser celandine, flixweed, and vervain, which brought the drinker creative energy for bardic song and prophecy; a drink made from vervain is still said to help poets in their work. Vervain is also still used to make a drink for intiating into Druidic paths. It is fragrant and can be drunk as a tea or burned as an incense. In its connection with the Underworld, it can be added to a cup of wine drunk on Samhain to aid contact with the Beloved Dead.can be added to a cup of wine drunk on Samhain to aid contact with the Beloved Dead.

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